
Reasons to be cheerful
At this time of year don’t you just hate going to work in the dark and then returning home in the dark.
On the plus side, Christmas is just around the corner.
Another reason to be cheerful is positive news stories. After all, who doesn’t enjoy the ‘It’s not all doom and gloom’ segment in Russell Howard’s Good News comedy series.
And contrary to popular belief, the news is not dominated by negative, down-beat news stories.
A quick flick through the pages of the national, regional or local press, or a look online at some of the main news sites, reveals plenty of stories poking fun at the lighter side of life.
Yet a good news story doesn’t necessarily have to be humorous. It can simply be a case of highlighting something that is beneficial to its surroundings, whether that be geographical or social.
For instance, businesses should embrace the positive actions of their staff and highlight their achievements.
It could be anything from sitting in a bath of baked beans to raise money for a good cause, to being actively involved in the local community, or even something work related such as receiving an industry accolade.
Tied even closer to the business still and positive news stories are aplenty. Areas to consider are product launches, the appointment of new staff, award wins, new business wins and anniversaries.
So remember, there’s good news to be found in them thar hills, get digging!
Don’t hesitate to contact the Red Marlin team for further PR tips.