
Insight into trends in the gift experience industry

Insight into trends in the gift experience industry

Gift experiences are on a rapid surge, whether it’s driving a supercar or booking a city break.

Red Marlin asked Jason Hope at, a leading provider of gift experiences, for his thoughts on why more-and-more people prefer a gift experience rather than a physical product.

  1. Why are more-and-more people booking gift experiences over buying physical products?

Given how easy it is to shop online, if someone wants something, they can order it there and then, almost making physical products less desirable as they’re so quick and easy to obtain. Gift experiences offer an alternative and give shoppers the chance to take part in a real-life experience, often with friends or loved ones, creating invaluable and authentic memories.

  1. Is the increase reflective of the shift in how people shop, i.e., online vs high street?

In the past, gift experiences perhaps weren’t as accessible to some shoppers, often being sold on stands in obscure places in department stores and supermarkets, as well as only being able to promote a limited range. Now, with the rise and increased ease of online shopping, dedicated gift experience websites offer huge ranges to shoppers at their finger tips.

  1. What is the next big thing in the gift experience industry?

A: Traditionally gift experiences have been bought by adults for friends, family and loved ones, but we’ve seen an explosion in offerings for kids and teenagers. It’s a case of supply and demand with enquiries for junior experiences driving the creation of products aimed at a younger audience, and it’s a trend that doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon. But with consumer habits changing at an ever-increasing pace, we’re constantly amending our range to keep up to date with current trends.

  1. How important is it to consistently provide new experiences for your audience?

A: Despite the huge growth that TrackDays has seen over recent years, it’s still important for us to provide new and varied experiences for shoppers. Whilst our core offerings have remained similar, the new experiences that appear alongside and supplement them help us to not only sustain but increase business from repeat customers.

  1. Given that many transactions are faceless, how important is it still to provide a human element, i.e., customer service?

A: Despite providing a seamless buying process to shoppers through the TrackDays website, there will always be a percentage of customers who prefer talking to an actual person, rather than typing away to a chat bot or reading through an extensive Q&A section. That’s why we feel it’s still extremely important to accommodate customers who’d rather pick up the phone and speak to a member of our customer service or sales teams.

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