
Tool kit

What’s in your toolkit? Part 1

Today’s article on how to maximise your PR highlights some extra resources available to give your activity a boost!

While a well-written, interesting and factually correct press release stands every chance of achieving media coverage, there are tactics available which can be used to make it even more successful.

The second instalment of ‘What’s in your toolkit?’ will appear this Thursday, so stay tuned!

Ticking the box

Commissioning an anonymous, independent online survey that is relevant to your business can often throw up some unexpected results which are used for attention grabbing headlines.

Of course, the survey must have a purpose, perhaps highlighting people’s attitudes towards a particular issue within your industry.

Also, make sure your list of questions and possible responses are structured so they are easy for the respondent to understand and that they flow in a natural manner.

The survey doesn’t even need to be serious. Why not make it quirky? The more outrageous the survey results, the more likely widespread media coverage.

The good news is that an online survey is easy to prepare and carry out, while it is relatively inexpensive, sometimes even free, and can generate many column inches of press coverage if used as a press release.

Picture perfect

An infographic is a visual representation of information designed to make the information easy to understand.

And just like a photo or painting, a good infographic can be worth a thousand words.

If your press release is packed full of interesting facts and figures, it might be a good opportunity to provide an accompanying infographic that is visually exciting and lets the audience learn more in bite-sized chunks.

It also makes a refreshing alternative to a photograph!

Success breeds success

Red Marlin has previously explained the benefits of entering a business award. You don’t even need to win to be able to generate some positive PR about your company.

Being shortlisted can help increase brand awareness, while it also gives the opportunity to use judges’ comments in future publicity material.

The buzz around the awards evening, both before and after, provides a plethora of activity. Should you actually win an award, then the sky’s the limit!


Next instalment on ‘What’s in your toolkit?’ this Thursday.

For more information about a free one-hour PR audit for your business, or more guidance on ‘What’s in your toolkit?’, please email

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