Read all about it – Make your press releases journalist friendly
It can often be very difficult to get your story out there on your own, you can post it all over your social media channels but that will only reach the people who already know you. To reach a wider audience you need the help of the journalists, you need a press release. But journalists can receive hundreds if not thousands of press releases a day, so how do you make yours stand out from the crowd?
- Keep things simple
It’s important to keep things simple. The more you complicate things the less likely a journalist is going to make the effort to read your release and then go on to write a story. Include as much information as possible without making your release too long. Here at Red Marlin we keep our press releases to at most two A4 pages, any more than that and a journalist won’t make the effort to read it.
- Make it printable
Most journalists will make the effort to write their own story using the information from your release, some may reword your release to fit their publications style, while others will simply copy and paste your release. This third option is used by a lot of online media and bloggers for its simplicity, speed and ease. The reality is the news cycle online is so quick that journalists haven’t the time to rewrite a press release into a story. This means that it is paramount you are happy for your press release to be printed exactly as it was written, you have to make your releases simple enough for everyone and not just for informed journalists.
- Carefully select your Journalists
Selecting the right journalists for your releases should be of prime importance, there is no point in sending your fast Ford press release to a publication that only features Bentleys for example. Reselecting a publication that has previously featured your releases works not only because they are more likely to feature your content again but it also builds a relationship between your company and the publication meaning further work such as dedicated features and interviews are more likely to be offered.
Follow these three tips to make sure your press releases are up to standard and you are sure to attract journalists and publications that will feature your content on a regular basis. For more PR tips from Red Marlin keep an eye on our news pages, and if you’d like a free PR health check for your company please get in touch.
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