

Does PR guarantee me inclusion in XYZ?

When you pay for an advert in a magazine, newspaper or online edition, you are guaranteed that space as you have paid directly for it.

However, public relations is not the same as advertising as it is directed towards the editorial desk, where news comes first.

Nevertheless, while there is no 100 per cent guarantee that using public relations tactics will see your message included, there are some devices to give it a very good chance.

Be honest

Ask yourself the question, do you find it interesting and will other people find it interesting?

If it is a genuinely newsworthy article, that has been well-written and contains all the facts, then there’s every reason for it to be included in XYZ.

However, if it’s a sales message dressed up as news, then expect disappointment.

A PR agency can add benefit by uncovering news stories within your business, and likewise, saying ‘no’ to a possible story when necessary.


Target audience

A scatter gun approach rarely works and it really is a case of quality over quantity. Select only those media outlets which are most likely to be open to your message and cover the topics you are discussing.

In fact, some publications will only use an editorial if it is accompanied by a paid advert, so knowing your target audience beforehand can save time and money.

Also, consider deadlines. The last thing a busy newsroom will want is your press release when it’s about to go to print, unless it’s front page news!


Who you know

As the saying goes, ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know’. This is true to an extent as it does help to know a little about your subject matter! But it is also true that having contacts in the right places can boost the chances of media coverage.

This is where a PR agency is of massive benefit, having built up a trusted and close network of media contacts who sit up and pay notice when receiving a news story.

After all, are you more likely to listen and take advice from a total stranger or someone you know and respect?


Strike while the iron is hot

Yesterday’s news is old news.

If your announcement is topical, then don’t delay in spreading your message. The longer you wait, the less interesting it will be.


Best approach

Employing a public relations agency can bolster the chances of being included in XYZ.

It has the insight, expertise and media contacts to be a formidable force.


Want to talk?


The team at Red Marlin would love to hear from you to help get you included in your target media. Just give us a call on 01926 832395 or drop us a line at

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