

How to make the most of your trade show presence in 2021

Much thought and attention is already turning to 2021, not least to exhibiting at the many trade shows that were postponed from this year. 

While these events provide a great opportunity for face-to-face contact and networking within the confines of the hall, they also offer a myriad of opportunities to maximise your presence across various platforms before the show even starts, throughout the event and after it has finished. 

Pre-show publicity 

well-crafted press release sent to a relevant trade publication can cut above the noise and be an effective way to highlight your attendance in front of an influential audience. 

Of course, it helps if you have something new to announce, whether that’s a product or service, to make it more newsworthy. 

However, it could also be a case of previewing what you will be showcasing on your stand. 

Meanwhile, contact media outlets and invite them to your stand so they can see what you have to offer, while also providing interview opportunities with your key spokespeople.  

It will also pay dividends to prepare a media pack, which typically includes a press release, plus other key information about your business together with good quality imagery, which can be presented to other journalists visiting your stand. 

Talk the talk 

Trade shows provide excellent speaking opportunities. 

Indeed, many invite guest speakers to impart their wisdom and insight in front of their peers, helping to position them, and the business they represent, as industry experts. 

If you are sufficiently confident, and believe that your knowledge can be of real benefit, then securing a speaking opportunity has the potential to open many doors. 

Let’s get social 

Meanwhile, social media can be used beforehand, and throughout the duration of the show, to invite attendees to your stand, possibly enticing them with a promotion. 

Take time to post video content of activity on your stand, so that people can see what a success it is and want to be part of it. 

Remember to also use relevant links and hashtags so that the show organisers can help spread your message to an even larger audience, while also tagging other relevant parties. 

Staying online, but away from social, then see if there’s the opportunity to post any news announcements on the show website to further build your presence. 


Many trade shows are also accompanied by an annual award ceremony. 

These are also a fantastic opportunity to raise the profile of your business, such as with an accompanying press release, whether you are simply shortlisted as a finalist, or better still, actually win it. 

Post-show success 

Just because the show has ended, doesn’t mean your public relations activity has to. 

Were there any notable successes from the event, such as a record amount of business? If so, then take the opportunity to shout it from the roof tops because you can bet that is exactly what your competitors would also do. 

Don’t forget, that if before the show you announced that you were going to preview a product or service, then make sure to reinforce the message after the show has finished as it might make those who missed out more likely to visit next time. 

Show time 

If you are exhibiting at a forthcoming trade show and need some guidance on your public relations activity, then we’d be delighted to hear from you. Please email and we’ll be in touch. 


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