
Merry Xmas

A festive farewell to 2018

2018 has been another fantastic year for the Red Marlin team.

From basking in the scorching sunshine at the Silverstone Classic, having rare behind the scenes access at Chelsea FC or attending glitzy award ceremonies, we’ve had a blast!

Of course, it’s not all glitz and glamour and the team have been busy throughout the year creating the headlines, developing eye-catching social media campaigns and carrying out a host of other activities to help our wonderful clients get noticed around the world.

Having generated more than 4,000 press articles over the year, it’s certainly been one of our busiest yet, but equally one of the most satisfying and rewarding.

However, before we switch on the answerphone and turn off our computers for the final time this year, I’d just like to pass on a couple of words of thanks.

First and foremost, a massive ‘thanks’ goes out to my wonderful team at Red Marlin. I’m incredibly proud of their efforts, achievements, hard work and unfaltering enthusiasm. It’s been wonderful watching them grow and develop throughout the year and rise to the challenges we’ve been presented with. Have a wonderful and relaxing break guys – you all deserve it!

Secondly, I’d like to thank all of our valued clients for your continued support throughout the year. Your trust in our ability to look after and help grow your business is greatly appreciated. We hope that we can repay this ongoing faith with even greater results for you in 2019!

So all that’s left for me to say, is that I wish you, your teams and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We look forward to seeing you in 2019.

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