

Red Marlin prepares the nation’s motorists for winter

With winter well and truly on its way, the UK’s roads are a much more hazardous place, but thanks to another highly successful road safety campaign by Red Marlin, we’re confident that there will be fewer tyre related accidents during this winter.

Working closely with our long term client TyreSafe, we devised a powerful and highly integrated campaign for this October’s Tyre Safety Month, the biggest annual industry wide event for the UK’s tyre industry.

With the wettest winter in the UK still clear in the minds of many drivers, we developed a campaign that was fresh and relevant with a very powerful call to action – asking drivers to take the 20p test.

Naturally, high profile media activity was integral to the success of the campaign and this year’s results didn’t disappoint with a major feature on ITV’s Good Morning Britain, as well as numerous press articles in national daily newspapers, consumer magazines, regional and local press as well as high influential online sites and blogs.

Our preparations for this year’s bumper campaign were more comprehensive than ever before including liaison with several government departments, a Freedom of Information request to all police forces in the UK and co-ordination with dozens of trading standards offices.

Social media added further impact to the campaign with record levels of engagement via Twitter and Facebook, a new app, as well as a great, fun online competition.

Of course, we’re delighted with the high profile media coverage that we’ve delivered for our client but perhaps one of the most pleasing aspects that we uncovered during the campaign was that our efforts have played a significant part in helping to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured in a tyre related accident in the UK by more than 30 per cent in the last five years.

If you’d like to learn more about how we’ve helped achieve this or how we can help create a campaign with similar impact for your organisation, then call us on 01926 832395 or email

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