

Foolish, complacent or downright rude?

As marketing specialists we work hard on behalf of our valued clients to deliver opportunities for them; creating leads, generating enquiries and making them look as good as possible to make a tangible difference to their bottom line.

And so we should. It’s our job. But there’s nothing particularly unique or special about this. Thousands of marketing and communications professionals across Warwickshire and the rest of the country do similar things every day. Millions of pounds are spent each year by companies trying to convince you that they are better than their competitors, their offering is unique, new or the best thing since sliced bread.

And it works, up to a point.

Last week I called four local estate agents to try to arrange viewings of some new offices to accommodate our growing team. One was able to help me there and then. Another called me back the following day to confirm an appointment. As for the other two, I’m still waiting for them to call me back – nearly a week later!

Now, I’m realistic and know that my business alone is hardly going to turn around their fortunes, but is there any excuse for this poor level of service? Their marketing teams have done their job properly – their SEO worked, their adverts worked, their PR worked – it’s just a poor response at the sharp end that’s let them down.

In these tough economic times is this level of response forgivable? Personally I don’t think so. Companies should be hungry for your business, fighting harder than ever to deliver fantastic value and high levels of service.

So, unless you disagree and think it’s OK to show potential customers similar levels of contempt, then make sure that as part of your marketing activities, front line staff training is high on the agenda. Put in place measures and KPI’s to ensure that poor service at critical touch points of your business down leave a nasty taste in the mouth of potential customers.

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