How to get your business onto the small screen
The media landscape may have changed dramatically with the rise of the internet and digital and social media but the holy grail of good PR is still television. TV creates conversation that filters through into the press and online as well as around the water cooler in the office the next day. And with the rise of easily accessible TV recording and players, viewers are able to watch their favourite shows time and time again.
Good TV exposure can help give a significant boost to your business. We’re no strangers to arranging TV coverage for our clients, from The One Show, Watchdog, Good Morning Britain and BBC Breakfast. What’s more, several of our clients have generated significant enquiries and sales the morning after a TV piece has aired.
Our most recent piece of coverage on TV was at CarFest back in August with new classic car auction house CCA. A Scalextric track, designed by F1 legend Martin Brundle, had been donated into the auction and would see all proceeds from the sale going to BBC Children in Need. We utilised our strong media relationships and contacted the BBC’s One Show, who were going to be broadcasting live from CarFest on the Friday.
Working with the team we managed to secure a fantastic live feature showcasing the track and the auction that saw Bob Geldof and Suzi Perry race, with typically chaotic input from Chris Evans and commentary from Ben Edwards. This five minute prime time feature was seen by more than 5million people and worth more than £130,000 in media exposure.
With the last minute exposure that this generated the track sold for an amazing £11,000, vastly exceeding anyone’s expectations.
Sound’s simple right? Far from it. There’s so much behind the scenes work that goes in to securing a spot on TV. But with the rewards being so great and with so many people competing for a spot in show, it means that it is the most challenging media to crack.
So we’ve put together our top five tips on how to engage those fussy TV planners and get your business exposure on the small screen.
1. Be realistic– Is your story exciting enough for the box? Would it make good TV? The TV landscape is more competitive than ever and so planners and producers are looking for exciting stories or audience relevant content to feature on their shows. Think entertaining, newsworthy and informative. Your story should meet at least two of these criteria.
2. Have you and your team got the time? Organising TV pieces is a long and time consuming process of emails, phone calls, checking details and logistics all for a few minutes of film.
3. Get your contacts right– Planners, producers and other staff on TV shows and news outlets frequently change. Make sure you keep your contacts up to date so your news is getting to the right people.
4. Timing is key– make sure you understand the planning meeting schedules for the news outlet or show. If your email or press release reaches the inbox too late, or too early, you’ve missed your opportunity.
5. Things can change– last minute cancellations, and we mean last minute, are a hazard of organising TV features, particularly if it’s live. Never take confirmation of a TV piece as definite.
Need more support?
If you need PR agency support in helping to generate successful media coverage why not get in touch with us and see how we could help your business. You can call us on 01926 832395, email or tweet to @redmarlinpr.