Tusker Direct

Service Type: Project

The Challenge

One of the UK’s leading leasing companies approached Red Marlin to raise awareness of the financial savings that can be made by paying for an electric vehicle through salary sacrifice, targeting business-to-consumer national news and automotive publications as well as fleet managers in the business-to-business press.

The Solution

  • Carry out a deep-dive discovery workshop to establish Tusker’s key messages and identify the stakeholders it needs to communicate with for this project
  • Establish basic press office functions including a ‘family and friends’ target media list, creation of a crisis comms process as well as providing a press office function for media enquiries
  • Conduct a survey to 2,500 opt-in motorists about the barriers to electric vehicle entry
  • Creation of a press release and radio broadcast sell-in sheet
  • Using our black book contacts to secure Quentin Willson for a radio broadcast day with Tusker’s CEO

The Results

  • 11 radio interviews conducted in one day – over 50% BBC Radio
  • Over 40 quality print and online clippings in Tusker’s target publications (including Daily Mail)
  • Potential reach over circa 1m
  • Ongoing positive discussions on social media
  • Representing fantastic return on investment and value for PR spend Vs advertising spend

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