
Build your brand with earned media, not paid media
There’s never been a better time to generate awareness and growth for brands without the need, and expense, of traditional advertising. There’s a wealth of options out there, from quality PR, content creation, storytelling, social and digital media and e-marketing that all offer far more cost effective ways to grow a business. Frankly, a paid for advert is a lazy way to publicise your business and for smaller businesses with less resources it is arguably the completely wrong way to go.
As consumer’s media consumption habits change, proper PR and intelligent marketing is becoming more essential to get messages over to readers, across both print and online. The rise of online ad blockers means that brands have to think a little differently on advertising and it’s not just a case of moving your ad onto a screen. According to research conducted in July 2016, two out of three US millennials use an ad blocker on a desktop or mobile device. This will surely be replicated in due course with UK audiences.
We’re seeing the rise of ad blocking in all sorts of media. From music streaming services who offer ad free music, to TV streaming, to social media. It may well soon become the norm, consumers able to better control what they see and hear and when.
Brands that construct integrated marketing campaigns utilising the right outlets to connect with different consumers, spanning online, digital, print and broadcast, will engage effectively with prospective new customers and markets.
But don’t just take our word for it. A recent study by Nielsen concluded that PR is almost 90% better in engaging with consumers than advertising. Invest some time in nurturing an engaging brand image. This gives your business credibility and, most importantly, trust. Consumers are more cynical about advertising than ever before yet strategic PR activities can nurture a more positive opinion.
A good PR agency offers far better value for money and return on investment than traditional advertising. Don’t be a business that continues to pursue outdated practices, particularly when it comes to advertising. Be bold and the rewards could be significant.
If you would like to see how Red Marlin can raise your businesses’ profile call us on 01926 832395 or email